The Secret Daughter of Venice by Juliet Greenwood #bookreview #audiobookreview @dreamscapeaudio


The paper is stiff and brittle with age as Kate unfolds it with trembling hands. She gasps at the pencil sketch of a rippling waterway, lined by tall buildings, curving towards the dome of a cathedral. She feels a connection deep in her heart. Venice.

England, 1941. When Kate Arden discovers a secret stash of drawings hidden in the pages of an old volume of poetry given to her as a baby, her breath catches. All her life, she has felt like an outsider in her aristocratic adoptive family, who refuse to answer any questions about her past. But the drawings spark a forgotten memory: a long journey by boat… warm arms that held her tight, and then let go.

Could these pictures unlock the secret of who she is? Why her mother left her? With war raging around the continent, she will brave everything to find out…


Kate has discovered a stack of drawings is a book of poetry. This book was given to her when she was a child. It is supposed to contain a clue about her mother. She has always felt like an outsider in her adoptive family home. This starts her on a quest for the truth, but it might not be exactly what she expects.

Kate has a heart of gold. She is also very talented. So when life throws her some kinks in her life, she falls back on what she knows…art. This leads her to some amazing discoveries about her family. You will have to read this to find out.

I enjoyed the hunt for the truth! Now, this tale is a bit predictable but it is emotional. It takes you on a wild ride!

The narrator, Hannah Curtis, is one I will be on the look out for. Great job!

Need a good family mystery…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

Purchase Here





About fredreeca

I am an avid reader and paper crafter. I am a mom of 2 children, 5 dogs and 1 cat. I am a huge St. Louis Cardinals Fan
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